DACT’s story up until now is one that spans more than a quarter of a century. Over that time, DACT has showed no sign of slowing down, positively impacting the local community and receiving recognition along the way (Awards). Below are some particular points of interest which help show the progress DACT has made over our 30years of service, so start scrolling!
October 1993
In 1993 Rob Kinning establish a services that the people of Daventry District could be proud to call their own. (DACT’s Services commenced)
May 1994
DACT’s first bus, a facility for local community groups.
March 1998
DACT adopted the nationally approved MiDAS scheme as the method for training all volunteer Minibus Drivers.
August 1998
DACT moved into the brand new Abbey Centre, built for the voluntary sector.
April 2000
The long-awaited DACT Mobility Shop started in its purpose-built new premises in New Street. Kathy Jones was appointed Manager for the new Shopmobility service
October 2003
DACT Celebrated its 10th Anniversary.
September 2006
Dial-a-Ride service launches, sponsored fully by Daventry Town Council.
October 2011
Grant support for voluntary groups would be stopping, but a local Councillor and the Daventry Express newspaper started a successful campaign to save DACT services - a county record of 11,000+ signatures (18.5% of the districts adult population).
April 2013
The first DACT Days Out brochure was released, with the first trip being to Milton Keynes Shopping Centre (there has since been 1000+ trips to 340+ locations).
October 2013
DACT Celebrated its 20th Anniversary.
February 2014
DACT mobility repairs opened its doors, offering maintenance and servicing for mobility equipment, as well as the opportunity to recycle equipment for re-sale.
November 2016
DACT changed its legal status from a Co-operative (No. 27663R) and Community Benefit Society to a Registered Charity CIO (No. 1170448).
June 2017
DACT received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary service because of the hard work and dedication of all volunteers.
October 2018
DACT receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Northamptonshire Community Foundation.
March 2019
The mobility shop extension is completed and officially reopened, with Lord Spencer and few other guests of honour present.
March 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily suspends all DACT services. Services later recommenced in August 2020.
October 2020
Our founder and CEO Rob Kinning, and long-serving Operations Manager Tony Doyle retired after more than 50 years served between them.
October 2020
Phil Houston joined DACT in October 2016 and took over as our new CEO in October 2020.
October 2020
Martyn took over as Operations Manager at DACT.
February 2021
We said goodbye to Sarah who worked at the office and had been with the organisation for 3yrs
August 2021
Our DACT Mobility and Repairs Manager, Beverley leaves the organisation after growing the shop and it’s services for 7 years.
December 2022
The Arc Cinema in Daventry chose DACT as their Charity of the Year in 2022, raising lots of money and hosting our Christmas Volunteer Drop-In Day in December 2022.
July 2023
We said goodbye to Sharon who has been working for DACT for the last 2 years
October 2023
We welcomed Debbie our new Admin & Finance officer to DACT.
December 2023
Our DACT Mobility and Repairs Manager, Matt leaves the organisation after 6 years of working with DACT in our shop and with the transport team.
December 2023
We welcomed Shana O’Donoghue our new Mobility Shop & Repairs Manager to DACT.
April 2024
Motability Foundation grant that enabled us to cover revenue costs for the Transport Booking Officer post, the person who oversees the Volunteer medical car scheme.
October 2024
DACT will be celebrating 30 years of Serving Daventry & District with Transport & Mobility Needs.
Motability Foundation capital grant that enabled us to fund our newest fully accessible minibus to take our fleet back to pre-pandemic levels of 6.