If we you can’t see the item you need at the shop. Please talk to a member of staff and we can order it for you!
Attends use a numbering system that explains the level of absorption for all Incontinence products.
The higher the number, the more the product absorbs!
Light Urinary Incontinence 1 - 3
Have you ever experienced losing a small drop of urine or a small gush? For women this urine leakage often happens when you cough, laugh, sneeze or during exercise. For men, this often means losing a few drops of urine after urination. This is called light incontinence or light urine leakage. Holds an egg cup amount of urine
Moderate Urinary Incontinence 4 - 5
You might have what we define as moderate urinary incontinence if you pass small or sometimes larger rushes of urine. You might find it hard reaching the toilet in time or have an urgent desire to pass urine. Holds 1/2 pint of urine.
Heavy Urinary and/or Faecal Incontinence 6 - 10
If you pass large amounts of urine, don’t reach the toilet in time and have no bladder control, you probably have what we call heavy urinary incontinence. If you have this category of incontinence you might also experience faecal incontinence. Holds 1 pint of urine