2023 -2024 Report
2022-2023 Report
It has been great this past year to get back to some sort of normality, since taking up the reins of DACT, we have been in or emerging from the Covid Pandemic. This past year we have seen a steady growth towards our normal levels of demand as more and more people gain the confidence to be out and about. This is particularly heart-warming for those in our community that just would not get out without the support of a DACT service, whether that is mobility equipment from the Mobility Shop, the car scheme to get people to medical appointments or our minibus services offering days out, community group travel or weekly shopping trips. These services at first sight might seem quite ordinary, but with the wonderful volunteers who deliver the services, the difference it makes for the person involved is immense. For many passengers who are isolated and find it difficult going out their own door without help, small things like a friendly smile and an arm to lean on really matter. We get countless letters and even more comments on the phone that people would not know what to do without their DACT Volunteer, and service provided by the DACT office team. The office team themselves end up fulfilling a function far greater than just taking down booking details. People who phone up often need to talk to someone about their challenges, which requires a sympathetic ear, common sense advice and a reassuring nature and in some cases a referral to another support service. DACT passengers become well known to the staff, so much so that when the passenger phones up they feel like they are talking to a friend not just a phone operator. The need for organisations that reach out into the community is often greatly under-estimated.